Here's my point:
Your job is to market the city of Columbia, SC, the capital city of South Carolina. You wake up one December morning, just a few days before Christmas to read one of your favorite newspapers, The New York Times. You turn to the business section and you read the following:
Reeling South Carolina City Is a Snapshot of Economic Woes
Merry Christmas! The New York Times just "dissed" your city BIG TIME!
I understand the premise of the article. I really do. Peter S. Goodman wanted New York Times readers to understand America's economic dilemma, not in concepts or theories, but in terms of real cities and real people. BUT MR. GOODMAN, DID YOU HAVE TO PICK COLUMBIA, SC? MY HOMETOWN? MY BIRTHPLACE?
The Goodman article de facto just told millions of Americans looking for jobs, "Hey, if you want a job, DON'T COME TO COLUMBIA! DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT! HEY, FORGET ABOUT IT!"
To be fair, Mr. Goodman tried to give hope to my hometown city regarding the agenda of President Obama. But I believe the die has long since been cast.
So how do you market Columbia now? What do you tell job seekers outside the city or outside businesses looking to relocate? "Hey come to Columbia; We're friendly, we have no jobs, but we have fried chicken and a Confederate battle flag on the corner of Main and Gervais. You can't miss it, just look for the State House. Y'all come over ya hear?"
Have fun with this one Mayor Bob Coble, it's a doozy!
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